iGlobe Healthcare - Your Germanium Bracelet Specialist

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Effects of BH Plus

BH Plus Negative Ion (Anion) Technology

Far-infrared rays exert excellent effects for nervous system diseases and diseases of adults by raising the temperature of the hypodermic deep layers, expansion of micro-aneurysms, promotion of blood circulation, and consolidation of metabolism.

Anions (Negative Ions) help in our health recovery by simulating body cells, penetrating blocked  blood vessels, and enhancing circulation of clogged blood flow.

Why we use Germanium in BH Plus Bracelets

There are many factors which can lead to a reduced amount of oxygen in the blood. In our society today, the amount of air pollution, food pollution, and the effects of stress can lead to a reduction of oxygen in the blood. These pollutants are also known as positive ions or hydrogen in our body.

So proper oxygen supply to cells of the body is sound preventive measure to maintain good health and the Germanium  action/mechanism can increase the oxygen supply in the body. One aspect of proper health is the removal of hydrogen which requires a large amount of oxygen. Dr. Asai says that oxygen combining with hydrogen is called dehydrogenating reaction, which is the mechanism by which Germanium eliminates harmful substances causing disease in the body. The Germanium compound with its strong dehydrogenating effects, takes the place of oxygen in combining with hydrogen to eliminate the hydrogen from the body. All this is well explained in our section on How Germanium Benefit your Health


Optimal Conditions and Improving Concentration Ability of Students Preparing for Examinations

An anion enhances the body’s condition, exhausted from studying by increasing the activity of the brain's alpha waves, and is effective in improving a student's concentration.

These days, most students breathe and study in closed spaces along with TVs, computers, and radios. These electronic products have high energy, such as X-ray, R-ray and ionizing radiation, along with ultra-violet rays, which generate positive ions in the air.

When the number of positive ions increase, diseases including asthma, bronchitis, headache, shoulder pain, nervous breakdowns, high tension, enervation (seriously weaken or loss of energy), and depression can be caused.

However, an anion is the elemental factor with a negative electrical charge of the air, neutralizes harmless cation, clears blood, promotes nervous stability and recovery from fatigue, improvement of appetite and activation of cells, and enables vibrant learning.


For Those Who Frequently Experience Symptoms of A Stiff Neck and Body, and Stress

When far-infrared rays penetrate into the human body, invisible heat action is generated and this promotes fomentation effect, expansion of blood capillaries, and improve blood circulations.

Germanium mechanism as explained earlier helps to remove the harmful substance from you body through the urine and sweat

Anions increases volition (ability to make decisions), helps in nervous stablility, and recovery from exhaustion. Anions also aid in the recovery of fatigue from sports activities, sore muscles, those who use computer often, and those who experienced pain in their wrists and shoulders.

Change in Brain Waves After Wearing BH Plus Products

As a result of measurements, anion have been confirmed to be effective in creasing the activity of alpha waves, enhancing the body's condition, and improving concentration ability.


(Before wearing the BH Plus bracelet)


(Increased brain waves after wearing)

Body Temperature Changes - Before and After Wearing of BH Plus Products

The heat generated from a human body is indicated by blood passing under the skin. When the rate of blood flow increases, body temperature goes up, and when the rate of blood decreases, the body's temperature goes down.


(Before wearing the BH Plus bracelet)


(Body temperature raised after wearing)

Change of Red Blood Cell after Wearing BH Plus Products


(Before wearing the BH Plus bracelet)


(Red Blood Cell formations after wearing)