As a semiconductor element, Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to remove harmful positively charged ions and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body.
1. Removing Harmful Positive Ions and Effect of Negative Ions
As discussed before, Germanium atom has thirty-two electrons with four of them constantly moving unsteadily along its outermost shell. These four electrons are negative-charge carriers. When approached by a foreign substance, one of these four electrons will be ejected out of its orbit once the temperature is above 32 degrees Celsius. This famous semiconductor phenomenon is known in electronics as 'the positive hole effect'. The remaining three electrons will seize an electron from other atoms in order to maintain balance.
In essence, once in contact with the human skin, the negatively charged ions from the millions of Germanium atoms will attract the harmful positively charged ions from the body. This process is also known as the dehydrogenation effect where oxygen atoms combines with hydrogen ions which have accumulated in the body to remove them. This is described in much details in Dr Asai's book - Miracle Cure - Organic Germanium. He made a hypothethical supposiiton that the physical semiconductor phenomenon is similar to the physiological effect of dehydrogenation.
Our current urban lifestyle exposes the human body to harmful positive ions generated from mobile phones, computers, electronic and electrical equipment, chemicals, acid rain and ultraviolet rays. Hence, the negative-charge ion from Germanium will help in blood purification and balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. This also achieves muscle relieving effects as well as reducing fatigue and tiredness.
The metabolism of the human cell is an extremely important process as it purges waste out of the body while acquiring nutrients from the blood. With more negative ions in the body, the body's metabolism process also increases in its efficiency.
Conversely, with more positive ions in the body, metabolism becomes less efficient and slower. Thus the human cells become weak and the body is more susceptible to sickness and the ageing process becomes accelerated. This can be further explained by the reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood cells.
2. Effect of Far Infrared Rays from Germanium
What is FIR and Human Body FIR
Far Infrared Ray (F.I.R.), an element of Sun Light, is a form of energy wave. The wave length ranges from 4 μm to 1,000 μm. It contains extremely low energy that causes no harm to the human body.It does not belong to the radioactive ray category.
The human body itself is organic and it is also an F.I.R. source with the wave length of approximately 9 microns. This is similar to the Chinese Ancient Art of "CHI".
How Far Infrared Ray Transmits
Radiation – Far Infrared Ray has the same activity characteristics.just like normal light source, Light energy does not require other mediums to transfer its energy to objects. For example, the light source of the sun can travel a very long distance without any medium to the earth, This is the radiation characteristic is similar in Far Infrared Ray.
Penetration – The difference between F.I.R. and normal visible light is that F.I.R. has the characteristic of penetration. It could travel as deep as 4 to 10 centimetres from human skin and warming the body from the inside in the process.
Far Infrared from Germanium
Germanium also has the ability to emit a high percent of Far Infrared Rays of between 4 to 14 microns. As it overlaps the same wavelength of 9 microns emiited by the human body, this results in resonance with the water molecules in our body, improving blood circulation. Since our body is 70% water (by weight), it also activates the water molecules in living cells which int urn enhances blood circulation. When Far Infrared Rays are absorbed into the various organs of the human body, it activates, revitalizes, develops and strengthens them. It also increases temperature under the skin as well as promotes micro circulatory flow within the human body, thus improving one’s overall health condition.
Benefits of Germanium
While scientific research has not been conclusive, some people are said to have experienced the various benefits:
- Strengthens one's immune system.
- Increases blood circulation
- Raises oxygen levels
- Speeds up metabolism of body cells
- Regulates positive and negative ions within the body
- Removes harmful toxins
- Relieves joint and muscle pain
- Alleviates physical stress, stiffness, cramps or discomfort
- Controls swelling
- Reduces water retention
- Relieves fatigue and tiredness
- Promotes quality sleep
- Slows down aging
- Increases and maintains body warmth
It should be noted that the above benefits experienced may vary from individual to individual.
All information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or care. Should you have any specific questions or concerns about your health, please consult your health care provider.